Finition pinecone sur cette pipe à l'allure massive mais extrêmement légère en bouche. De nouveau, petit jeu de contraste entre les parties rustiquées et les surfaces lisses. Comme souvent, le fourneau est sans préculottage, les perçages sont en 4mm, le floc rapporté en alu bloqué par une mortaise téflon et l'embouchure taillée profondément en V.
Pinecone finish on this pipe with a massive look but extremely light in mouth. Again, a little contrast between rusticated parts and smooth surfaces. As often, the bowl is without pre-casing, the holes are 4mm, aluminum flock is blocked by a teflon mortise and mouthpiece is deeply cut in V.
Pinecone finish on this pipe with a massive look but extremely light in mouth. Again, a little contrast between rusticated parts and smooth surfaces. As often, the bowl is without pre-casing, the holes are 4mm, aluminum flock is blocked by a teflon mortise and mouthpiece is deeply cut in V.
Pipe : # 84/22
Collection : Forest
Gamme / Range: Freehand
Longueur / Lenght : 145 mm
Hauteur Tête / Bowl Height : 59 mm
Profondeur Foyer / Bowl Depth : 50 mm
Largeur / Width : 42 mm
Diamètre Foyer / Bowl Diameter : 19,7 mm
Epaisseur Bec / Bit Thickness : 4 mm
Poids / Weight : 68 g
vendue / sold